18 June 2008

later, kobe. you should be in jail anyway.

i was in massachusetts this past weekend and wish i were still there. summertime weather? yes. attitude? sure. celtics? jesus shitting christ, yes! first championship since '86. i vividly remember watching ev'ry celtics/lakers matchup of the '80s, shooting hoops with my buddy mr. schroerer in his or my driveway, always playing as though we were different members of the team. he, the blond, was usually larry legend; i, the black-haired one (now black & white) was usually kevin mchale.. and we never lost. unfortunately, the professional green & white have been losing consistently for the past two decades.

recent championships: pats, check. sox, check. celts, check. bruins... ok now, it's about freakin time they did something. and i do not care about the new england (there's a new england?) soccer team (whatever they are called), even though soccer is my favorite sport.

09 June 2008

goin' back to cali

oh, our good friend, medicinal marijuana.. so looked down upon. but why? but not as looked down upon as recreational marijuana. i know when i have smoked, i get all fired up to commit some heinous crimes. like sitting on my couch. and eating. and playing video games with my friends. and being nicely, amicably mellow. man, we should be locked up. i think i'll turn myself in.

i've never been to california. maybe i should go before too long: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/09/us/09pot.html?_r=1&oref=slogin

so is it completely out of the question to deny people with cancer a chance to live with slightly less discomfort? come on.. i myself get frequent severe headaches; i also have trouble sleeping. my "medicinal" weed helps quite a lot actually with both. there's only so much ibuprofen and acetomeniphen my stomach and liver and kidneys can take.

do you believe in god? well, did she place cannabis in the earth for us to avoid it when it makes a lot of us feel better? true, there are certain things that grow from the earth that we are to avoid: poison ivy/oak, poisonous shrooms, brussels sprouts, etc. but those don't make us feel good anyway (just kidding about the sprouts- i love them actually, though a lot of people do not). what about aloe? it grows, and it feels good when you rub it on your skin. but should it be illegal? maybe so... i'll send around a petition.

but smoking cigarettes is cool, right? they do it in movies, though not as often as they did in the past. i've known a handful of people whose lives have been shortened directly because of smoking cigarettes. i've known no one who has become sick from smoking pot..

i happen to live in the state run by (scuse me while i vomit) tobacco giant, philip morris. i gag ev'ry time i drive by their compound on i-95. so people love their cigs a little more here than most places, even at what i originally thought was a respectable university. check it: http://www.styleweekly.com/article.asp?idarticle=17152

smoke 'em if you got 'em (marijuana cigarrettes, that is). and share; we all share. much love.

mr. falcon

07 June 2008

you dolts... grow a pair.

so hillary is giving her support to barack. cool. bout time? perhaps. whatever, no big deal. did she screw up your life by holding out? nope. so shut the fuck up about it. i always hear about this anti-hillary vote; i know of multiple people, even some members of my own family (all staunch republicans) who voted in their democratic primary just to vote against hillary (they live in traditionally red states). but when i have prodded them, i have never received a legitimate answer explaining why they loathe her so much. i hear, "a woman should be president, just not that woman." right.. why?, i ask.. no answer.. nothing.. so my logical inference is that these people in fact do not want a woman to be president. i also have heard, "hillary is the devil." well, actually, that post has been filled; dick cheney's the goddamn devil.

good piece here: http://warner.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/05/woman-in-charge-women-who-charge/?ex=1213416000&en=ecfd6e0b648807bb&ei=5070&emc=eta1

if i may put it tritely, tis sad that we (in 2008!) still look down upon women (see also: the bible). true, she is ambitious, maybe more so than most of us, but which politician is not? they all go around telling how smart they are, pausing in their speeches for the audience to applaud them. politics..

so what's the deal with hating hillary? do you really think her ambition is empty (see: w)? really? she's not a republican. oh, ok, she's much, much smarter than you. that's gotta be one reason. is it bill? (this is directed at those of you who think w is a better president than bill.) yeah, it would really be a shame to have two (2) extraordinary intelligent people in the white house, trying to quiet the shitstorm that has engulfed our country. it would be two more intelligent people than we have now (i would probably think laura bush is intelligent if she hadn't married that fuckin guy).

gotta go.. tough to write at work. moral of the story: bite me, hillary bashers.

ps- i didn't vote for her in my state's primary.